Timeless Isle Guide: Coins, Achievements, Maps, Rares, and More

Live Geposted 10.09.2013 um 15:12 von
  • Burning Soul – Inflicts 50000 Fire damage every 1 sec. for 10 sec. On expiration, the player explodes, inflicting 300000 Fire damage to players within 8 yards and knocking them up.
  • Pool of Fire – Creates a pool of fire that inflicts 50000 Fire damage every 1 sec.
  • Ancient Flame – Summons an orb that inflicts 50000 Fire damage to the nearest player every 2 sec. and increases Fire damage taken by 5% for 10 sec.
  • DeadlyEternal Agony – After 5 minutes, Ordos channels all of his power into a massive ball of magma, inflicting 300000 Fire damage to all players every 1 sec.

  • Shaohao Reputation

    Kaiser Shaohao is a new faction on the Zeitlose Insel. There are no daily quests or "mandatory" epics to grind out for this reputation--it's all about killing things on the Zeitlose Insel for vanity loot!

    After a mid-week hotfix, Der Weg des Nebelgängers now grants +250 reputation. This is the only daily quest that gives reputation with Shaohao.

    The quartermaster, Nebelwirker Ku, is located on the eastern side of the Celestial Court on the Zeitlose Insel. He sells the following items.

    Requires Friendly:

    Requires Honored:

    Requires Revered:

    Requires Exalted:

    Reputation is primarily earned through killing yaungol and fire elementals on the Zeitlose Insel.

    There are essentially three different places to farm reputation. It is best to farm reputation in a group of five players--being in a raid will decrease the reputation earned. You may also want to farm certain areas for special loot drops for Schatz, ich brauche eine neue Tasche or inscription techniques, included below:

    Rare spawns also give additional reputation--however the reputation amount will decrease based on the number of people that have tagged it.

    Reputation Tips

    Each area has pros and cons to farming:
    • Firewalker Ruins:This area is the easiest to solo and has fast respawns in a small area, but the reputation granted per mob is low. It's pretty efficient to group up, pull everything to the center, and AoE.
    • Blazing Way: This area is convenient if you are trying to also kill Blattheiler, Huolon, and Glutfall. Brennender Berserker is the easiest mob to kill when soloing. The mobs in general are pretty spread out, except by Shrine of the Black Flame, which will require a party for the Ewiger Flammenmeister. A neat detail is that these mobs are really into herbing--they drop herb-themed items, cast Futtersuche, and have lots of alchemy elixirs lying around in Vorräte von Ordos.
    • Ordon Sanctuary: The mobs here grant the most reputation but are the hardest to kill between Ewiger Flammenmeister's Flammender Schlag and Hohepriester von Ordos using the most annoying abilities from each other Yaungol. You will need a group for this as well as a legendary cape on one character to jump across the bridge gap. There are creative ways to make it across the gap without a cape, but since the mobs are difficult to kill, it is hard to find a group while undergeared.

    Reputation bonuses work on these mobs:


    There are several introductory quests to the Zeitlose Insel award reputation:

    Blizzard also made Der Weg des Nebelgängers a daily quest that awards 250 reputation.

    Battle Pets

    There are three wild pets unique to the Zeitlose Insel, several sold by vendors, as well as other battle pets that drop from rare spawns.

    Aschenflügelmotte Flammenringmotte Federwolkenmotte
    Abilities: Alphastoß, Nimbus, Mottenkugeln, Wilde Winde, Kokonschlag, Mottenstaub Abilities: Brand, Kokonschlag, Nimbus, Alphastoß, Heilflamme, Mottenstaub Abilities: Schneidender Wind, Kokonschlag, Mottenstaub, Tollkühner Schlag, Gegenzauber, Blitzschlag herbeirufen

    Note: Federwolkenmotte is hard to reach since it only spawns in areas that you'd think you need a flying mount for. But if you attack a Böenalbatros, it will pick you up and fly you around the island until you attack it again--great for reaching obscure areas.


    Rubinrotes Tröpfchen Löwenzahnwitzbold
    Item: Eschenblattgeistling
    Source: Blattheiler
    Abilities: Vergifteter Ast, Solarstrahl, Wucherwurzeln, Fausthieb, Wilde Magie, Dornen
    Item: Rubinrotes Tröpfchen
    Source: Garnia
    Abilities: Toxinberührung, Tauchen, Verseuchtes Blut, Absorbieren, Blase, Blut abzapfen
    Item: Löwenzahnwitzbold
    Source: Scary Sprite
    Abilities: Kratzen, Dornen, Photosynthese, Eisenborke, Vergifteter Ast, Wucherwurzeln


    Ranziger Bierlementar
    Item: Todesnatterjungtier
    Source: Kaiserpython
    Abilities: Giftzahn, Bisswunde, Eingraben, Heimtückischer Fangzahn, Ducken, Blendendes Gift
    Item: Ranziger Bierlementar
    Source: Zhu-Gon der Saure
    Abilities: Bierblitz, Schlammlawine, Berauschen, Fasswurf, Ranziges Bräu, Explosives Bräu

    Dornzangenkrabbe Schluckfroschling Schwarmling von Gu'chi
    Item: Dornzangenkrabbe
    Source: Monströse Dornzange
    Abilities: Zerfetzen, Stachelpanzer, Strudel, Dreifachschnapper, Welle der Heilung, Blut im Wasser
    Item: Schluckfroschling
    Source: Bufo
    Abilities: Wasserjet, Schlammlawine, Schwarm, Froschkuss, Gifthaut, Leichenexplosion
    Item: Schwarmling von Gu'chi
    Source: Gu'chi der Schwarmbringer
    Abilities: Zubeißen, Säureglibber, Verzehren, Schwarm, Kauen, Eingraben

    Ominöse Flamme

    Jadefeuergeist Jadenebeltänzer
    Item: Ominöse Flamme
    Source: Unheilvolle Flamme
    Abilities: Brand, Nimbus, Feuersbrunst, Geisterfeuerblitz, Verbrannte Erde, Fluch der Vorahnung
    Item: Jadefeuergeist
    Source: Unheilvolle Flamme
    Abilities: Jadeatem, Smaragdpräsenz, Heilflamme, Jadeklaue, Entzünden, Verblassen
    Item: Jadenebeltänzer
    Source: Jadenebeltänzer
    Abilities: Dampfventil, Jadehaut, Säureregen, Jadeklaue, Regentanz, Geysir

    Chi-Chi, Küken von Chi-Ji

    Zao, Kalb von Niuzao

    Xu-Fu, Nachwuchs von Xuen Yu'la, Junges von Yu'lon
    Item: Chi-Chi, Küken von Chi-Ji
    Source: 3 Münze der Erhabenen
    Abilities: Feuerstacheln, Gelassenheit, Ätherisch, Alphastoß, Wilde Magie, Totstellen
    Item: Xu-Fu, Nachwuchs von Xuen
    Source: 3 Münze der Erhabenen
    Abilities: Geisterklauen, Fressen, Rache, Biss, Mondfeuer, Schleichen
    Item: Yu'la, Junges von Yu'lon
    Source: 3 Münze der Erhabenen
    Abilities: Atem, Smaragdpräsenz, Abheben, Jadefeuerblitz, Segen der Erhabenen, Lebensaustausch
    Rachsüchtiges Stachelschweinchen Harmonisches Stachelschweinchen
    Item: Zao, Kalb von Niuzao
    Source: 3 Münze der Erhabenen
    Abilities: Trampeln, Kopfstoß, Niuzaos Ansturm, Hornangriff, Wunsch, Vorherrschaft
    Item: Rachsüchtiges Stachelschweinchen
    Source: 100 Blutige Münze
    Abilities: Biss, Geisterstacheln, Flankieren, powerball, Überleben, Rache
    Item: Harmonisches Stachelschweinchen
    Source: Shaohao reputation
    Abilities: Biss, Geisterstoß, Illusionäre Barriere, Kraftkugel, Geisterstacheln, Spektralstachel

    Azurblaues Kranichküken

    Item: Azurblaues Kranichküken
    Source: Crane Nest
    Abilities: Stacheln, Reinigender Regen, Tollkühner Schlag, Schar, Heilender Fluss, Sturmflut
    Item: Flipps
    Source: Drop
    Abilities: Hieb, Ausflippen!, Faustbrot, Biss, Ausweichen, Tornadoschlag

    More details about the tournament can be found in our Celestial Tournament Guide and Battle Pet Team Calculator. For now, players with at least 15 max-level pets can queue up for it on the Zeitlose Insel.



    Name Achievement
    Bis auf die Knochen Help Zarhym find his body in the Cavern of Lost Spirits on Timeless Isle. Detailed PTR comment.
    Erhabene Herausforderung Complete the trials of all four Celestials, besting them each in combat on the Timeless Isle. Required for the legendary questline.
    Wo Piraten sind, gibt es reichlich Beute Obtain the Versunkener Schatz, Schwarzwaches Strandgut, and Funkelnder Schatzbeutel on the Timeless Isle. Detailed PTR comment.
    Meine Schätze! Detailed PTR comment.
    Zeitlose Nahrung Consume all of the sources of Timeless Nutriment on the Timeless Isle. Detailed PTR comment
    Legende vergangener Zeiten/Zeitlose Legenden These four items share numerous spawn points, and clicking on them grants a 10 min buff that are needed to open Spelurk's cave. Detailed PTR comment
    Zeitloser Champion Defeat all of the rare creatures of the Timeless Isle listed below. Check out the Wowhead Rare Elite Guide for locations.
    Rolos Rätsel Solve Rolo's Riddle on the Timeless Isle. Detailed PTR comment
    Pilgerschaft Obtain the blessings of all four Celestials at Time-Lost Shrines on the Timeless Isle. Detailed PTR comment. Sometimes you'll be hit for 999,999 damage instead though from Ordos' Brandopfer.
    Zeit totschlagen Defeat all of the creatures of the Timeless Isle listed below. These are for non-rares.
    Schatz, ich brauche eine neue Tasche Obtain all of the rare items from the Timeless Isle listed below. Detailed PTR comment.
    Immer schauen, wo Ihr hintretet Check for loot in suspicious places throughout the Timeless Isle. Detailed PTR comment.
    Extremjäger verlorener Schätze Find and loot the Gleaming Treasure Chest, Rope-Bound Treasure Chest, and a Mist-Covered Treasure Chest on the Timeless Isle. Detailed PTR comment
    Kaiser Shaohao Earn Exalted status with Emperor Shaohao.
    Ordos Defeat Ordos, Fire-God of the Yaungol, atop the Timeless Isle. Requires completion of the legendary questline to fight him.

    Bloody Coins

    Name Achievement
    Abgesandter von Ordos Use the Rauchbrenner der ewigen Pein obtained from Speaker Gulan on the Timeless Isle.
    Kerzenhüter Obtain 10 Bloody Coins as an Emissary of Ordos or Ordon Fire-Watcher.
    Eidwache Obtain 100 Bloody Coins as an Emissary of Ordos or Ordon Fire-Watcher.
    Flammenmeister Obtain 1000 Bloody Coins as an Emissary of Ordos or Ordon Fire-Watcher.
    Feuerwächter Obtain 2000 Bloody Coins as an Emissary of Ordos or Ordon Fire-Watcher.

    Maps and Explanations

    Some of the achievements require more detailed explanations, so we've provided some maps and additional details on the achievement criteria.

    Meine Schätze!

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 000

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 001

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 002

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 003

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 004

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 005

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 006

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 007

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 008

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 009

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 010

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 011

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 012

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 013

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 014

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 015

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 016

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 017

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 018

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 019

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 020

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 021

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 022

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 023

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 024

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 025

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 026

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 027

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Stump Center

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Stump SW Shore

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Stump West

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Ordo Lake Lower

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Steam Shore

    Moosüberwucherte Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest 028

    Robuste Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Carry Bird 1
    (Requires Albatross)

    Robuste Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Gulp Frogs

    Robuste Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Hammer Cavern
    (Inside Mysterious Den, use Legende vergangener Zeiten buffs to break in)

    Robuste Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Carry Bird 2
    (Requires Albatross)

    Totenkopftruhe (Inside Cave)
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Cavern of Lost Spirits

    Schwelende Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Ordo Chest 000

    Schwelende Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Ordo Chest 001

    Lodernde Truhe
    FLAG quest:One-Time Chest - Blazing Chest

    You must loot 25 out of 42 chests on the island--1x Lodernde Truhe, 1x Totenkopftruhe, 2x Schwelende Truhe, 4x Robuste Truhe, 17x Moosüberwucherte Truhe.

    To see if you've already found a chest or not, type this command:
    /run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(xxxxx))

    "xxxx" represents the tracking quest ID.

    For a detailed explanation of each chest's flag quests, locations, coordinates, and macros, check out Voxxel's excellent post.

    These quests can only be looted once ever and can contain Zeitlose Münze and various BoA tokens.

    Extremjäger verlorener Schätze

    Gleaming Treasure Chest
    FLAG quest:Pillar Hopping Tracking Quest
    Rope-Bound Treasure Chest
    FLAG quest:Rope Drop Tracking Quest
    Mist-Covered Treasure Chest
    FLAG quest:Feather Fall Tracking Quest
    Find and loot the Funkelnde Schatztruhe, Verschnürte Schatztruhe, and a Nebelbedeckte Schatztruhe on the Timeless Isle.
    • Funkelnde Schatztruhe: Located on the fourth stone pillar to the northeast of Pi'jiu Village. To reach it, head to the Firewalker Ruins and successfully jump across four pillars.
    • Verschnürte Schatztruhe: Located by the broken bridge going to the Ordon Sanctuary, this one will require you to jump between the stone pillars and tightwalk rope. A good place ot start jumping from is at 60.2, 45.9.
    • Nebelbedeckte Schatztruhe: Located by the Blazing Way, this is between two of the bridges. Click on the statue to get shot up into the air, and as you're descending slowly with Kranichschwingen. click on the temporarily-spawned Nebelbedeckte Schatztruhe.

    These chests can be completed weekly.

    Immer schauen, wo Ihr hintretet

    Check for loot in suspicious places throughout the Timeless Isle.

    Zeitlose Legenden

    These four items share numerous spawn points, and clicking on them grants a 10 min buff with a fun visual effect:

    Rolos Rätsel

    First Clue
    Second Clue
    Third Clue

    Wo Piraten sind, gibt es reichlich Beute

    Sunken Treasure
    FLAG quest:Sunken Hozen Treasure - Tracking Quest
    Blackguard's Jetsam
    FLAG quest:Tracking Quest - Spectral Pirate Treasure
    Gleaming Treasure Satchel
    FLAG quest: Pirate Ship Mast Tracking Quest

    Obtain the Sunken Treasure, Blackguard's Jetsam, and Gleaming Treasure Satchel on the Timeless Isle.

    These chests can be looted weekly.

    Zeitlose Nahrung


    Gathering on the Zeitlose Insel rewards a small amount of Zeitlose Münze. In addition, elixirs are drops on the Zeitlose Insel.


    You will then learn Nudelwagenbausatz "Pandarenschatz", which makes 300 stat food! Requires 5 each of all 300 stat food to make. You also unlock a daily quest, Nudelzeit, that rewards an Eisentatzmarke, as well as a bonus objective, Nudelzeit: Bonus.


    • In the section below, we have listed the sources of each glyph unique to the Zeitlose Insel, next to their description.
    • Check out our preview of cosmetic 5.4 glyphs here.

    New Minor Glyphs

    New Minor Glyphs